Tuesday 6 April 2010

The Lords Of Shadow

I dream of a future when the teaming masses break free from the chains which at present enslave them, and when the last links are cast upon the floor the true will of the people shall be expressed. Like a lion escaping from the circus cage, the masses shall roar into the dawn, and the clique which has presided over millennia of imprisonment shall shrink back from the ferocity of the free. I shall fight for this dream until it is reality, or I am no more, and nothing short of death shall silence me.

But what does it mean to be free? When all live without fear of what the next day holds, and when we consider each other brothers under God. When weapons are turned into tools, and when hatred turns to love we shall know freedom. The road will be long and hard, and we may never see the Promised Land, but could we forgive ourselves if we did not try?

And how shall we achieve freedom? Only by shouting long and hard. Only when every man, woman and child knows of the plight of their fellows, and only when they shout in unison shall the chains weaken. Spread the word all who care to listen. Tell your neighbours, tell your friends that the masses are tired of slavery, and are ready for a new epoch in human history. Tell them to have no more to do with ruthless corporations, with corrupt governments and with malignant institutions. Tell them that the Lords of Shadow cannot stand against the might of the masses, and that as long as we stand united there is hope. Who shall join me in the long march to the Promised Land?

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