Saturday 12 June 2010

The Big Conversation-Last of the Raj

The Cameron/Clegg team have decided that there should be a national conversation on where the cuts (and, we assume, the taxes) will fall. In that spirit I intend to publish a series of posts contributing to that national conversation. Here is instalment one-entitled ‘Last of the Raj’.

With the advent of the Scottish Parliament the Scottish Office was left with very little to do, and now with the new Coalition committed to devolving more powers to the said parliament, the Office is in danger of becoming devoid of all purpose. And yet this particular arm of the government continues to leech £7.2 million (as of June 2009: from the taxpayer. I say the Scottish Security should be removed, and all powers reserved for the Scottish Office be devolved to the Scottish Government. A fairly easy saving which harms no-one but Michael Moore and David Mundell.

Of course the Welsh Office and NI Office should follow on the heels of the Scottish Office: give more powers to the regions and cut back on the costs of these last vestiges of colonialism. This would empower the local executive, as well as save millions.


  1. Of course £7.2 million is pocket change-more of a psychological and moral victory really.
