Tuesday 1 June 2010

Israel and the Double Standard

Israel has recently committed a new transgression against the international community by attacking a civilian boat in international waters. The boat was full of protesters intent in braking the siege on Gaza, and so was fair game in the minds of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). More information can be found at http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2010/may/31/israel-troops-gaza-ships

At the moment Israel is only allowing its version of events to be heard (journalists having been blocked from achieving full access to the injured protesters), but even if the IDF prove to be entirely within their rights on this matter (that would be a first) the international reaction highlights a double standard in relations. Imagine that it had been Iran, or Hamas, or Saudi Arabia, or Cuba, or Russia, or any other country that you care to think about had performed the same action that the IDF has recently pulled off. What would be the international reaction? Almost certain condemnation followed by swift diplomatic action and perhaps even sanctions. However, when Israel attacks civilians in international waters the Obama administration is ‘working to understand the circumstances surrounding the tragedy’. Similarly weak and non-offensive remarks can be heard in most Western Foreign Offices. Even although 9 people have been killed by an aggressive military not in its own waters the governments of ‘the West’ are paralysed with an indecision which they simply do not show to any other nation on earth-or at least not to the same level. Are victims of Israeli bullets any less dead? Are Israeli wars any less illegal (this is illegal by Israeli as well as international law)? Of course not. European and American governments must end the double standards: once Israel is treated like any other nation a proper peace process can begin.

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